Real Talk on Retrograde

Has your printer stopped working? Have old lovers randomly hit you up? Has your nutbag astrology friend told you non stop that Mercury retrograde is approaching? Well it is.

The less talked about aspect of Mercury in Retrograde is that it forces us to slow down, revisit things that are unfinished or not properly taken care of. It provides a chance to shine a light on things of importance and go back, to get on a correct path of movement. It also can help to reassess plans, reconnect with old friends, and see things in a bright new light. Along with our love of all things Retro, this was part of the inspiration for naming our brand.

When planets enter a Retrograde, they are moving past the earth as if we were on a treadmill. It doesn’t mean we can’t see progress; but keeping our head down, not forcing things, accepting the slowness of communication is all part of the deal.

Retrogrades happen throughout the year in different aspects, affecting different planets and parts of our planet and lives mostly without our knowing. They aren’t something to dread, just another aspect of life on this planet as the incoming and outgoing tides are there to bring renewal and provide a chance to dig for clams and see what is underneath the seemingly constant waves. Going backward to go forward in a better way..

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